If you’re having trouble choosing a childcare option, you’re not alone! There are many quality childcare options in the J-Town and East Louisville areas. There are many factors to consider, so let’s examine how daycare and home childcare compare.
Location: Daycare vs. Home Childcare
Everyone has different preferences for an ideal location. Some are willing to drive further, while others prefer the closest option possible. Neither is right nor wrong, and it’s important to select a location based on your family’s needs and preferences.
Bright Start Louisville is conveniently located off Taylorsville Road and accessible from every direction. You can’t go wrong with our location!
Cost: Daycare vs. Home Childcare
The cost of childcare will vary widely. In Kentucky, the average cost of childcare is $6,411.
As you inquire into each business, you will find a spectrum of prices. But be wary of childcare that charges under average prices; this could be a red flag that the childcare provided is poor.
Bright Start accepts Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) financial assistance. Contact our director to learn more, or read more on this blog post.
Availability: Daycare vs. Home Childcare
It can be hard to find a daycare or home childcare with availability! This is especially true of infant age groups since infant classrooms are capped at ten children.
Daycares generally have more availability than home childcare options because home childcare options can only provide care for ten to 12 children.
In contrast, daycare classrooms have higher ratio allowances. This means you’re more likely to find available childcare in a daycare like Bright Start.
Schedule: Daycare vs. Home Childcare
Daycares are able to maintain a consistent schedule because they employ multiple staff members. Bright Start is open Monday-Friday, 6:30 AM-6 PM. This is extremely beneficial to families because it means reliable childcare.
Home childcare is a little less dependable because they rely on one or two people. If your provider is unable to care for your child, then you must find last-minute childcare. Daycares like Bright Start will always be available to take your child!
So which is better, daycare or home childcare?
Ultimately, that decision is up to you. Every family situation is different.
With a convenient location, affordable prices, better availability, and dependable childcare, Bright Start Louisville should be at the top of your childcare list.
Bright Start Louisville offers exceptional childcare to children six weeks to 12 years old. We’re proud to offer a fun and educational preschool program that prepares your child for kindergarten per state educational standards.
If you’re looking for excellent childcare that gives your child a head start in life, contact Bright Start Louisville today!