parents and kids

Tips to Improve Patience in Children

While we tend to attribute impatience to children, everyone struggles with patience to a certain degree. Our fast-paced, instant-gratification culture usually allows us to avoid waiting for things we want.   Children are already prone to impatience. It’s no surprise that children these days, surrounded by instant gratification, usually lack patience. However, everyone would agree that

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Prevent the “Summer Slide” At Bright Start Louisville

There is a lot that’s new and exciting about the first day of school, like new clothes, school supplies, friends, and teachers. But what’s not exciting? Dusting the cobwebs off the knowledge and skills from the month of May.  This summer, be proactive and prevent your child from backsliding academically with these simple tips!  The

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Encouraging Your Child: The Powerful Benefits

We can all agree: that life is hard! The endless to-do lists, appointments, errands, and meetings can feel overwhelming. While we tend to attribute challenges and difficulties to adulthood, this doesn’t mean children don’t experience struggles and challenges. Even in the most idyllic childhood, every child will experience fears, frustrations, and disappointments; these are inescapable. 

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