Choosing a childcare option can be overwhelming. There are many daycare and home childcare options in the East Louisville area. But what is the difference between daycare and home childcare?
What Is Daycare?
Daycares are usually larger entities, with classrooms divided by age. For instance, many daycares have classrooms divided into infant (0-12 months), toddler (12-24 months), two’s, three’s, pre-K, kindergarten, and school-aged children.
By law and for safety, classrooms are limited to a specified ratio of children to teachers. Younger children (like infants and toddlers) need more assistance than older children; therefore, fewer children are in younger classrooms.
In East Louisville, daycares have the following child-to-teacher ratios:
- 6 weeks-12 months (5:1)
- Toddlers (6:1)
- 2 – 3 years (10:1)
- 3 – 4 years (12:1)
- 4 – 5 years (14:1)
- 5 – 7 years (15:1)
- 7 years and older (25:1)
In addition to child-to-teacher ratios, the state of Kentucky caps the maximum classroom size:
- Infants: 10
- Toddlers: 12
- Three’s: 20
- Pre-K (3 and 4-year-olds): 24
- Pre-K (4 and 5-year-olds): 28
- School-age (5+ years old): 30
What Is Home Childcare?
Not to be confused with hiring a private nanny to stay at your house, home childcare is when a licensed childcare provider watches other children in their own home.
Home childcare can be divided into two categories: small-family childcare homes and large-family childcare homes.
Small-Family Childcare Homes
In small-family childcare homes, the childcare provider can have up to four related children and 4-6 unrelated children in the home. This means a maximum of ten children can be in the home at a time.
Large-Family Childcare Homes
Large-family childcare homes can have 7-12 children at one time. The child-to-teacher ratios for this childcare option are:
- 5:1 for under age 12 months
- 6:1 for 1-2 years
- 10:1 for 2-3 years
- 12:1 for 3-4 years
- 14:1 for 4-5 years
- 15:1 for 5-7 years
While there’s a lot to consider when choosing childcare, Bright Start Louisville is a top option for J-Town childcare. We strive to care for each child individually and help them reach their maximum potential. Contact us today for more information!
Bright Start Louisville offers exceptional childcare to children six weeks to 12 years old. We’re proud to offer a fun and educational preschool program that prepares your child for kindergarten per state educational standards.
If you’re looking for excellent childcare that gives your child a head start in life, contact Bright Start Louisville today!
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