If you’ve spent any time researching daycares, you know that not all daycares are the same. Some meet only the bare minimum standards, while others go above and beyond to provide the safest, cleanest, and most educational space possible.
Every parent wants their child enrolled in a high-quality daycare. But defines quality childcare? Here are three ways:
Licensed Business and Staff
Daycares must be licensed by the state of Kentucky in order to operate legally. These licenses must be renewed annually. Check to ensure your daycare has a valid business license. You can also view if your daycare ever had a lapsed or revoked license.
Stimulating Schedule and Environment
Childcare is more than making sure children stay out of trouble, eat nutritious meals, and stay on a nap schedule. The daycare’s environment shapes your child’s understanding of the world, creativity, and desire to learn.
Some daycares post a learning schedule but fail to stick to it. But at Bright Start, we delight in using The Learning Box for preschoolers and Mother Goose Time for early preschoolers on a daily basis. Our classes ensure children’s development is stimulated by age-appropriate gross and fine motor tasks, music, and early childhood education.
Even babies and toddlers have a schedule! These young children grow exponentially when exposed to music, books, and simple arts and crafts.
Safe and Sanitary Space
A facility that cares for dozens of children needs constant maintenance. It’s imperative that the staff employ proper sanitation practices to reduce the spread of germs and maintain safe spaces that prevent accidents from happening.
Toys should be age-appropriate, first aid kits should be available, cleaning supplies should be locked away from a child’s reach, shelves should be anchored to the wall, and more.
At Bright Start Louisville, we check all the boxes for quality childcare! Our curriculum and schedule are exciting for all ages, we maintain a safe and sanitary space, and our business is licensed and our staff continues to grow in their field. If you’re looking for quality childcare in the J-Town area, check out Bright Start Louisville!
Bright Start Louisville offers exceptional childcare to children six weeks to 12 years old. We’re proud to offer a fun and educational preschool program that prepares your child for kindergarten per state educational standards.
If you’re looking for excellent childcare that gives your child a head start in life, contact Bright Start Louisville today!